As a practitioner of Family Law, I am required to demonstrate exemplary advocacy skills at all times, whether I am attending court, in person, or preparing written documentation. The demands of the legal profession require complete focus and accuracy in writing. In addition, I also dedicate time and make a concerted effort to deliver journalistic and research-based writing about the social and community issues I care deeply about. Here is a glimpse into my published works and research projects.
- Chaze, F., Osborne, B., Medhekar, A., & George, P. (2020). Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies. (ECampus Ontario Pressbooks).
These case studies are translated into 7 languages included for training ‘Bridges to Safety: Building the capacity of the settlement sector’ Project | Gender-Based Violence | Canada (

- George, P., Medhekar, A., Chaze, F., Osborne, B., Heer, M., & Alavi, H. (2022). In search of interdisciplinary, holistic, and culturally informed services: The case of racialized immigrant women experiencing domestic violence in Ontario. Family Court Review, 60 (3), 530-545
- Medhekar, A., (2021). The Changing Landscape of Family Dispute Resolution in Canada. ‘Insights’-Canadian Bar Association. .
- Chaze, F., & Medhekar, A. (2017). The Intersectional oppressions of South Asian Immigrant Women’s Mothering. Matrimonial Affairs.

- Medhekar, A., George, P. Osborne, B., Chaze, F. & Alavi, H. (2020). Expert paper on the impact of family violence in ethno-cultural communities: The potential impact on the identification and response to family violence by family law lawyers. Thought the thought Paper invited by Women and Gender Equality Canada (WAGE) to inform Department of Justice, Government of Canada's HELP toolkit (Endnotes - HELP Toolkit: Identifying and Responding to Family Violence for Family Law Legal Advisers (
- Osborne, B., Chaze F., George, P., Medhekar, A., Sullivan, K., & Abdulrehman, I. (2022). Undergraduate Student Participation in Non-Curricular Research: Preliminary Findings [Research Report]. Faculty of Applied Health & Community Studies, Sheridan College.

Other Research Contributions
- Medhekar, A., George, P. Osborne, B., Chaze, F. & Alavi, H. (2020). Domestic violence in ethno-cultural communities: The potential impact on the identification and response to domestic violence by family law lawyers. Expert paper invited by the Department for Women and Gender Equality.
- Osborne, B., Chaze F., George, P., Medhekar, A., Sullivan, K., & Abdulrehman, I. (2022). Undergraduate Student Participation in Non-Curricular Research: Preliminary Findings [Research Report]. Faculty of Applied Health & Community Studies, Sheridan College. "Undergraduate Student Participation in Non-Curricular Research: Prelim" by Bethany Osborne, Ferzana Chaze et al. (

- Nicholas Bala, Dr. Peter Jaffe, Archana Medhekar, Dr. Katreena Scott, Research Associate - Casey Oliver. "Making Appropriate Parenting Arrangements In Family Violence Cases: Applying The Literature To Identify Promising Practices" (Project Funded by Justice Canada)- Expected publication, Fall 2023
- Bala, N. et al. (2021). Member of the task force to review and revise the AFCC-O Parenting Plan Guide and Template. Parenting Plan Guide and Template - AFCC Ontario.
- Chaze, F., Osborne, B., Medhekar, A., & George, P. (2020). "Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies (Polish)" (2022)
- Chaze, F, Osborne, B., Medhekar, A., & George, P., "Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies (Hindi)" (2021).
- Chaze, F, Osborne, B., Medhekar, A., & George, P. (2020). "Violence Domestique dans les Communautés d'Immigrants"
- Chaze, F., Osborne, B., Medhekar, A., & George, P. (2020). "Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies (Arabic)" Books 3
- Chaze, F., Osborne, B., Medhekar, A., & George, P. (2020). "Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies (Brazilian Portuguese)" (2021). Books. 2.
- Chaze, F., Osborne, B., Medhekar, A., & George, P. (2020). "Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies (Punjabi)" (2021). Books. 1.
- Chaze, F., Osborne, B., Medhekar, A., & George, P. (2020). "Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case Studies (Spanish)" (2020). Book. 1.
- Medhekar, A., Chaze, F., & Osborne, B. (2020, September 26). Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities. Workshop at the Ontario Association of Family Mediators Annual General Meeting. (Webinar)
- Osborne, B., Chaze, F., Medhekar, A., & George, P. (2020, November 2). Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Breaking the Cycle webinar. Sheridan College. (Webinar).
- Chaze, F., George, P., Medhekar, A., & Osborne, B. (2020, November 23). Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Moving Towards Solutions webinar. Toronto Metropolitan University (then Ryerson University).
- Vaish, M., Medhekar, A. (2019, November 15). "Why Canadian IPV Initiatives Matter Internationally". Peel Family Mediation Services 8th Domestic Violence Symposium on "Viewing Violence and Power through a Cultural Lens"
- Chaze, F., Medhekar, A., & Fierheller, D. (2019, May 30). Family Justice Work and the Unique Vulnerabilities of Immigrant Mothers. AFCC 56th Annual Conference, Toronto.
- Medhekar, A. (July 2018) Participated as a delegate at the United Nation's High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF 2018) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York
- Medhekar, A., Chaze, F., & Fierheller, D. (2018, May 03). Caught at the intersections: The Unique Vulnerabilities of Immigrant Mothers in Family Disputes. FDRIO Conference, 2018.
- Medhekar, A. (2018, March 12-23). Participated as a delegate at the United Nation's sixty-second session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
- Medhekar, A, Vaccaro, I. (2018, April 16). Immigrants and Refugees: Barriers and tools in ADR. Riverdale Mediation DV Training on Identifying, Assessing and Managing Power Imbalances and Risk In FDR
- Medhekar, A., Mallinath, G., Chaze, F., & Fierheller, D. (2018, February 23). Immigrant Mothers and Their Families Within The Child Welfare System. 3Voices in Child Welfare: The Sally Pearce Palmer Conference Series, McMaster University.
- Medhekar, A., Thorndycraft, B. (March 2017). Bringing Family Law into the 21st Century: Amendments to the Children's Law Reform Act. AFCC-O Spring 2017 Newsletter.
- Medhekar, A. (2015). Solidarity amongst victims of domestic violence
- Medhekar, A., Mattoo, D. (2015). Implications of Amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act: The Plight of Sponsored Spouses:
- Kanagaratnam, P, Medhekar A. (2014). The Interplay of Culture & Mental Health in Family Disputes:
- Medhekar, A. (2014) Gender Equality Gap and the Legal Profession
- Medhekar A, Vaccaro I. (2014). Service Barriers for Immigrant Women Facing Domestic Violence
- Medhekar A, Vaccaro I. (2013). Representing Victims of Domestic Violence
- Medhekar A, (20009) Mentoring Foreign trained lawyers

Books (in Marathi)
- "Mahilanche Kayade" (i.e. Laws for Women) (2005) - Saket Publication, India. (ISBN-81-7786-211-1)
- "Hunda Pratibandhak Kayda" (i.e. The Dowry Prohibition Act) (2009) - Akshar Publication, India. This was part of a legal literacy project to simplify legal education for the community in the local language.
- “Nijakhuna” (i.e. Self-identity), collection of Marathi poetry (2005) Mudra Publication, Mumbai, India

Presentations, Training, Speaking Engagements
- Presenter, “Outside The Box- Innovations in ADR Process Design”, OBA, May 30, 2023
- Presenter, “Family Violence and Family Law: Supporting the Health of Survivors of Family Violence in Family Law Proceedings”, AFCC-O Educational Seminar Series on DV, May 25, 2023 with DOJ presenters
- Presenter, “Making Appropriate Parenting Arrangements in Family Violence Cases: Applying the Literature to Identify Promising Practices”, Advanced Seminar-Alliance of Canadian Research Centers, FVFL Western Centre for Research and Education, May 11, 2023 with Professor Nicholas Bala and Dr. Peter Jaffe
- Presenter, “Intersectional Understanding of Coercive Control”, Advanced Seminar-Alliance of Canadian Research Centers, FVFL Western Centre for Research and Education, May 11, 2023 with Pamela Cross, Deepa Mattoo, and Katreena Scott
- Panel speaker, “Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities”, County of Carleton Law Association, 32nd Annual Institute of Family Law. April 22, 2023.
- Panel speaker, “Addressing Client Trauma”, Ontario Bar Association (OBA) Public Sector Lawyers Program. March 29, 2023
- Panel speaker, “Online All the Time: What Role Does Public Legal Education Play In Preventing Gender Based Violence”, United Nations (UN) CSW 67 in-person parallel event (New York). March 7, 2023
- Presenter, “Emergency/Warrantless Apprehensions: Practitioner Perspectives”, OBA, Advanced Issues in Child Protection Law Program. March 2, 2023.
- Instructor-presenter, "Communication Skills in Mediation", E-Mediation Writings GeneNxt International Classroom series, India. January 6, 2023
- Presenter, “Domestic violence in Immigrant Communities”, 11th Annual Safe City Mississauga Crime Prevention Conference. October 27, 2022
- Presenter, "Colonization, Decolonization and Mediation", World Mediation Circle Virtual International Symposium. September 21, 2022
- Presenter, "Indigenous Peoples and Mediation", World Mediation Circle Virtual International Symposium. August 23, 2022
- Instructor- presenter, "Historical perspective of dispute resolution - Development of legal systems- culture", International Mediation Summer training series, “Nivaaran” Mediators of Supreme Court of India. August 6, 2022
- Presenter, “Intersecting Inequities in Family Court: a trauma informed critique”, Western Centre for Research & Education (UWO) on Violence Against Women & Children. January 18, 2022
- Presenter, “Amendments to Divorce Act”, Family law training for the staff of Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic, Toronto (BSCC). April 21, 2021
- Presenter, "Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Case studies", International Seminar on women's writing and criticism, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, India. April 15, 2021
- Panel speaker, "Bill C- 78 & 207: Reforming the Law and changing the culture", organized by AFCC-O and York Region Law Association. Prof. Nick Bala and Aaron Franks. Moderator: Justice Andrea Himel and Shely Polak. April 8, 2021
- Instructor, “Screening for Domestic Violence and Assessing for Power Imbalances” at York University School of Continuing Studies, Family Mediation Certificate program (4 times a year). Other courses: Family Law, Family Relations, Advanced Family Mediation. April 2021- present
- Trainer, "Negotiation, Mediation and Diplomacy", Young Diplomats of Canada Canadian delegates training for Y7, Y20 summits and Commission on Status of Women. March 2021, March 2022, and February 2023
- Panel speaker, “Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Moving Towards Solutions”, dissemination event and book launch for my co-authored book. November 23, 2020
- “Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities: Breaking the Cycle”, dissemination event for community organizations for my co-authored book. November 2, 2020
- Speaker, “Impact of Covid-19 on Family Law dispute resolution”, Speaker at AFCC-O Annual Pre-Conference 2020, with Justice Andrea Himel and Justice Philip Clay. October 15, 2020
- Presenter, "Domestic Violence in Immigrant communities Ontario Association of Family Mediators (OAFM) Annual Conference 2020. September 26, 2020
- Trainer, “Advising Clients to Navigate the Family Justice System”, staff training for the South Asian Legal Aid Clinic (SALCO). February 5, 2020
- Speaker, "How newcomers are vulnerable to DV while high-demand cultural services are at a breaking-point", CBC Radio show "Metro Morning" with host Farah Merali. February 21, 2020
- Presenter, “Why Canadian IPV Initiatives Matter Internationally” Peel Family Mediation Services (PFMS) 8th Domestic Violence Symposium on “Viewing Violence and Power Through a Cultural Lens”. November 15, 2019
- Presenter, "Mediation, Peace building and Sustainable Development Goals", International Mediation workshop in conjunction with the UN High Level Political Forum. July 12, 2019
- Presenter, "Family justice work and the unique vulnerabilities of immigrant mothers", Association for Family Conciliation Courts 56th international Annual Conference, Toronto. May 30, 2019
- Presenter, "Women, Mediation, and the effective implementation of the UN Agenda on Women, Peace, and Security", CSW63 parallel event in New York. March 2019
- Trainer, "Immigrants and Refugees: Barriers and tools in ADR”, DV training for Family Arbitrators by Riverdale Mediation. April 16, 2018
- Presenter, "Immigrant mothers and their families within the child welfare system", 3Voices Child Welfare Conference, McMaster University. February 23, 2018
- Presenter, "The intersectional oppressions of South Asian Immigrant Women and Vulnerability in Relation to Domestic Violence", 6th Annual Domestic Violence Symposium PFMS. November 17, 2017
- Speaker, "Immigrant Parenting issues in Canada", ‘Radio Saanjh’ 770 AM radio, live Hindi Radio show with host Deepak Anand. October 21, 2017
- Trainer, “Closing the Gap: Building Service Provider’s Legal Capacity to Improve Access to Justice for Immigrants and Refugees”, train the trainer series involving 12 service organizations in Peel and Caledon, January to August 2017
- Keynote Speaker, Women's Annual Event of Indus Community Services for the International Women's Day. March 7, 2017
- Panel speaker, "War at Home" documentary. PFMS Domestic Violence Symposium. November 2016
- Panel speaker, "Honoring and Celebrating Women Equality: My Way”, India Rainbow Community Services of Peel- 19th Annual Event, May 26, 2016
- Trainer, "Immigrant issues and connections to Family Mediation", PFMS Mediation Roster training. March 28, 2015
- Panel Speaker, "Strengthening Our Allies: Addressing Sexual Violence in Diverse Communities Conference", Hope 24/7. March 4, 2015
- Discussant, "Reflections on Religion, Equality and Women's Rights", Women's Legal Education and Action Fund symposium on. January 30, 2015
- Coach-Mentor, Law Practice Program covering topics of professional responsibility and practice management, Toronto Metropolitan University. (2015-2017)
- Panel Speaker, "Systematic forms of domestic violence and conflicting accounts of how abuse happens, PFMS 2nd annual symposium November 29, 2013
- Panel speaker, "Cultural Competency in Representing Children", Toronto Professional Development- Office of Children's Lawyer, OCL Spring training 2013. June 13, 2013
- Panel Speaker, "Success and Serendipity", The Internationally Trained Lawyers Program (ITLP), University of Toronto, Faculty of Law. May 2011
- Tutor, Law Society of Ontario, Licensing Exams (Family Law, Business Law (Taxation), Real Estate). (2009- present)